Expertos en SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Why SAP SuccessFactors is for small, medium and large companies

Nuvolino Team nBC

There are many myths related to the cost of SAP SuccessFactors. It is said that it is too costly and complex, and if not it is a company with a large income, it simply becomes an option untenable. Well, here we tell you why that is not true.


  • Belief

“I don't know if you purchase SAP SuccessFactors, looks very complex,”



One of the main features of SAP SuccessFactors is your experience as user-friendly. You can manage your processes of human talent from the cell with a couple of clicks. SAP is a reliable and solid with years of experience with which you will increase between 10% and 20% of the level of satisfaction of your workforce.


  • Belief

“SAP SuccessFactors is too big for me company”



SAP SuccessFactors is a flexible tool, designed to grow with your company and that can adapt to your processes of human talent of a simple and efficient way.


  • Belief

I have a small company does SAP SuccessFactors might work for me?



No matter the degree of complexity of your processes, or the size of your company, SAP SuccessFactors can be adapted to the needs of your company.


Do you want to know more?

Write to us at [email protected] or contact through WhatsApp to +57 321 754 9482 or +57 314 592 7119