Expertos en SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Why SAP SuccessFactors?

Nuvolino Team nBC

SAP es la mejor herramienta para automatizar y mejorar los procesos de Recursos Humanos

Create engaging experiences, focusing on the employee with the management of the human experience was never so simple.

SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite is the software leader in the management of human talent based in the cloud that allows small, medium and large companies, to manage directly their human capital.

What are its benefits?

  • Sets a unique system and innovative with great technological development
  • Efficiently handles a workforce moderna and global
  • Improves retention of employees, reducing turnover
  • Promotes the commitment to work to improve the performance
  • It adapts to the needs of the company

People want to experience exceptional, but there is usually a significant gap between what employers think is happening and what is actually happening. Leaders must combine the data of employee experience with operational data to be able to listen, understand and make decisions. For example, the SAP SuccessFactors can help you create experiences continuous, dynamic, and custom that focus on the needs of each individual.

The solutions of SAP SuccessFactors provide guidance so that people discover new opportunities to develop and grow. With powerful tools for career exploration, training, and feedback at any time, recommendations, training and custom tutoring smart, you can empower your employees to take responsibility for their careers.

Built on a framework of intelligent, SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite incorporated technologies in all and each of the experiences. These enablers optimize processes and connect with the hearts and the minds within the organization. Everyone can give their opinion, with the ability to provide feedback, collaborate and connect in a personalized way in the framework of the:

Efficiency: allow employees to complete tasks quickly, using artificial intelligence (AI), conversational to solve the questions with chatbots and automation of the processes of robotics to delete tasks without value.

Customization: offers employees the more individualized content and curing process that they need to perform their jobs and advance in their careers, with “nudges” that are based on machine learning and recommendations that provide guidance on context-specific decisions and actions.

Action: provide a two-way conversation between the employees and the organization, offering ways to provide feedback and react, to engage with the collaboration across the company and to participate in communities and connections to extend the network.

It is time to make a decision

The solutions from SAP SuccessFactors can help unlock the full potential of their people and get results in your company. With our technology-based open and secure, we make it easy for enterprises to leverage the power of SAP. To achieve success at the organizational level, RR. HH. you must build bridges across the entire company rather than exist in a silo. With many processes that are not of RR. HH. depending on the precise data of the people, it is important to have a unified experience in finance, shopping, travel and expenses and more. Using integrations configured to other SAP solutions, you can distinguish your company and accelerate its transformation into a smart company.

For more information, please contact us [email protected] | WhatsApp: +57 321 754 9482