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The New Conflicts and Challenges in the Office, is Kiss or Handful?

Nuvolino Team nBC

The modes interact will have to be redefined from simple and firms seek to avoid frictions and conflicts; original ideas of a few companies and challenges for the next few months, according to The Nation.

The pandemic has installed new customs and rules that are not always shared. Doors inside, each family applies the sanitary measures which it considers necessary. The same thing occurs in groups of friends, who are managed with its own codes. In both cases, the trust plays a fundamental role. But there is another area in which it is more complex to set patterns of coexistence in times of coronavirus: the office.

After the confinement, the return to work face-to-face was progressive and not exempt of learning. The ways of interacting in the office changed substantially from the need to maintain social distance, the mandatory use of the chinstrap, the prohibitions to share drinks, food, or herbal tea and the rest of the safety guidelines. But, as happens in other spaces, not all are suited equally to the new reality.

Vanina working in the administrative side of a company in the sector of healthcare and admits that there are situations that disturb it. “Personally bothers me when you board a lot of people in the office because it does not comply with the social distancing that's been asked,” says this woman is 47 years old, like the rest of the employees who gave testimony, he preferred not to give her last name.

“We do not share, mate, keep the chinstrap as the whole of the day and work with windows and doors open, but in some cases, the greetings are as before the pandemic with kisses and hugs,” he says.

For Mariela, that plays in the administrative sector of a university, the roces are given by the different positions with respect to the virus and care. “On the one hand, you have to the person who thinks that it is all well and pulls out the mask, and, on the other, is the one who is all the time cleaning it, you can't sit down without passing the cloth with alcohol. Are also generated discussions about the issue of window open or closedthe air on or off, and by the amount of people in the place,” she explains.

“What bothers me the most is to be in a meeting with chinstrap, especially when you have to talk,” explains Maria, 45, who works at the National Institute of Education, Technological and returned to the classroom to mid-October.

The companies analyze the new dynamic among its employees. The modes interact will have to redefine from the most simple: the greeting with the fist or a kiss.

For Alejandro Melamed, an international consultant and a benchmark on the future of work, in the office, he sees what happens in life itself. “You have some that behave as if nothing had happened and others that really get very uncomfortable in everyday situations. A solution that found a Dutch company that was put your employees bracelets color red, green, and yellow. Identifies with red people more fearful and green-less. I think it is a good idea which gives the guideline on how each one has to be handled with the other in the new environment,” he says.

Tolerance and empathy

In that sense, the areas of management of people seek to avoid rispideces and achieve harmony in work environments. For Myriam Alvarez, director of the organizational culture of Telefónica Movistar, the first thing to understand in this return is that we're not the same people we were in march 2020. “Each one had his experience and we met our new shades. Respect, tolerance, empathy with what happens to the other, and each one of us are key. There are people who live with fear or cares very much to people who live that is of risk and take steps that others can find it unnecessary”, he describes.

Even, the specialist warns of a difference more background: “There are people who prefer to be much more time in the office and another, on the contrary, is inclined to work from home”, it exemplifies.

Andrés Hatum, professor of the Universidad Torcuato Di tella, puts the accent in which the companies have to ensure that the contact between the employees is to be careful and at the same time fluid to bring the creativity, the innovation and the performance of the equipment. “For that are working today, enterprises. The offices are being transformed into collaborative spaces and flexible. There is the challenge,” he says.

No tags

“It is necessary for us to refrain from re-tag the people in the world of work and this will be critical to not go back to what it is advancing inclusion in recent years. In the end, I am optimistic about the new possibilities that are opening up in this world that summons us to become ever more human,” adds Alvarez.

For Silvina Uviz D'agostino, director of RR.HH. Microsoft Argentina, it is essential to the clarity in the protocols that must be met. In this way you can avoid various interpretations about the behavior in the office. “Both the arrangement of the space, as the cleaning were reassessed. All employees, at the time of entry, must complete a form of control and respect a number of requirements which, in turn, are communicated internally,” he says.

Before going to the office, each employee must reserve your space of work through an application to ensure they are compliant with the distance and the haircuts. In that same procedure states that he has no symptoms.

The survey of vaccinated and non-vaccinated also is imposed in the world of business. And there he opens a chapter of difficult resolution: what attitude to take with those employees who do not want to get vaccinated? While it is your right, can you go to the office? The companies, at this point, not adopted until the time a unified stance. It is a debate going on: the idea is that in the back of the holidays, when the bulk of the staff to oversee their activities, there is a definition.

Paradigm shift

The new paradigm affects labour relations in a way unprecedented and accelerated trends that had already been outlining. Added to this, circumstantial factors. “There are problems, even for companies that are working well with their staff because local wages are very competitive at the international level and even at the regional level,” explains Hatum. And he says that, during the pandemic, for example, Workana - a Latin american platform for freelancers - rose by 45%.

“In the United States, there are two tendencies, on the one hand, the people who are directly leave the labour market and defines how you want to live, and, on the other, are the nomads digital between 2019 and 2021 grew to 3 million people, and today they are 11.5 million,” he said.

Melamed emphasizes the learning that represents this new reality and enter more challenges. How companies are driving the culture to the distance, how they convey the values of the company, or how to resolve the conflicts that are generated according to the position of each employee against the pandemic are just some of the topics in discussion. “These are issues that we're looking for the point and that we all learn to par,” he concludes.
