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The Best Innovations in job Descriptions, according to LinkedIn

Nuvolino Team nBC

If the attraction of talent is yours, this note will be the best thing you've read for a long time.

There is a lot of innovation in the recruitment and human resources, but one area that has remained relatively unchanged is the job description. The publications of today look remarkably like those of the employment exchanges of the nineties. “Offers of employment are one of the least developed in the recruitment,” says Lars Schmidt, founder of Amplify. "We know what the candidates want to know it, but too often we recycle lists of responsibilities and qualifications unrealistic and we hope that attract great candidates." And the descriptions of the work boring and recycled will not be sufficient in the Major Reorganization. You must do more to compete for excellent candidates, and that starts with the drafting of excellent job descriptions. Here are eight things you can do to improve your current set.


Imagine the Introduction It is difficult for their job openings to excel in these days: the candidates look almost the double of job offers per application than two years ago. One way to get noticed is to hone their openings. We know that the information at the beginning of the job descriptions you have more weight in the minds of the candidates. Pay attention and remember the start more than other sections. We also know that deciding in about 14 seconds if you continue reading. This means that your introduction should be compelling enough for candidates to continue reading, but short enough that they can decide in seconds if they do. Here are some ways to strengthen your opening:

* Make it about the candidate: The information of the company is important, but it is not the most important thing in the eyes of the candidates. At the end of the day, they want to know what there is for them. So, talk first with your candidates and then on the company. Instead of using statements impersonal: “The ideal candidate will. . . "– To be human by using "you" and "your", as if you were talking directly with people seeking employment. LoSasso to do this in the publication of the work of executive accounts below. Lean on the use of humor as well (third point), it is another good way to engage candidates.

* Engage with your mission: During this Major Reorganization, candidates can better choose where to work. Another option is to give them a bigger picture from the beginning and engage with their purpose. Robinhood is looking for people for whom their mission really resonates. Desiree Knight, director of brand employing in Robinhood, says that the job description is a call to action for those who care about the mission of that company: "Democratizing finance for all." "If you are passionate about our mission," says Des, "we want to check the difference here. We want you to feel safe and supported in their identity, whatever, and that can have an impact on a mission that is worth it."Then Robinhood is leading with their mission in their publications, which includes a statement of "we" to humanise it.

* Be creative with the titles: Although the job titles too creative they are a no-no (for example, "ninja marketing"), the subtitles creatives are a fair game and can be a great way to draw attention and to highlight their culture. ADP leads with a section of "the good thing about this job" on the publication of your sales representative, a refreshing change from the typical propaganda corporate "About us". The header draws you immediately to the candidates and convince those who think that receiving a payment for helping people is "cool" to continue reading. The section "What we'll do for you so that every day is amazing," featured below is another original header that speaks directly to what the candidates want to know: what is there for them.

* Load it with information: "The information front load allows candidates to choose to participate or not to participate," says Lars Schmidt in a response to your posting on LinkedIn. “If there is enough to attract the interest rate, the prospects will continue reading. If not, won't.""Tl; dr means" Too long; don't read "and is a form of post publications. This section, "Quick Hits (tl: dr)" in a publication for the vice president of talent management at Guild Education does just that, so that the candidates can decide from there whether to continue. This type of summary initial-scale with relative ease between roles.


The videos have become a big part of daily life thanks to smart phones, but never know it by reading job descriptions. Transmit the role with more than just bullets brings it to life and helps the candidates to visualize the work. Allow candidates to see the space of the office and listen to the voice of the hiring manager: more sensory information can make the content memorable and improve participation.


The choice of words sends a signal, often outside of their knowledge. Detect unconscious bias in your text with tools like Textio or Textmetrics and use the score to identify and modify the language so that you can avoid, for example, be too biased by the men or the millennials. We know that language influences whether women will run and that can also go the other way with language that is more feminine and deter the men. Some companies, for example, advertise that they are looking for candidates that are "ready to work". But when evidence that language, found that "start running" is extremely oriented to men, which probably deters many women automatically. (The director of operations at LinkedIn, Dan Shapero, it also avoids the phrase "get to work," because it celebrates the speed on the quality of the performance of new hires).

For a more qualitative assessment of their job offers, ask current employees to review. Remember that the more authentic is the offer of employment, the greater chances you have of getting the right people to apply. The people who are already in the job are the best source of truth. You know what sounds right in his publication of job and what doesn't. Can guide you on what to dial up or down or what may be missing completely. Level 12 takes this advice to the next level. See the first question of the application: this is the job description.

5. TO ADDRESS THE INCLUSION OF FRONT Be intentional with the language not only of eliminating prejudice, it is also about evaluating candidates from under-represented groups. Research has shown that people prefer this approach is more authentic to the statements canned. Take a look at this sentence that HubSpot added to their job descriptions in 2020 to prove that it is a company inclusive: “The trust can sometimes prevent us from applying for a job. But we'll tell you a secret: there is not a candidate "perfect". HubSpot is a place where everyone can grow. So, regardless of how they identify, and background that you bring, ask if this is a post that I would get excited about going to work every day."It is worth noting that a year later, the propaganda of inclusion of HubSpot has evolved. Now is shorter and is linked to current research. This is a great example of how a company maintains its publications up to date. Congratulations to HubSpot to resist the cycle of copy and paste which gives many other publications an atmosphere of the nineties.

Hiring based on skills begins with the description of the job. The requirements of many years of experience and university degrees are of four years may be barriers to the qualified candidates. For example, a candidate with a mindset of a learner, and only two years of experience may be a better bet than someone with less enthusiasm but with five years of experience. With this in mind, be selective with your necessities. Too many elements are non-negotiable and it becomes more difficult for the candidate to self-selected. Also consider to outline what success looks like for one or two years later.

7. BE TRANSPARENT ABOUT THE INTERVIEW PROCESS AND THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR FLEXIBLE WORKING What is open that is in the description of his work speaks volumes of the level of transparency in your company. To provide a context like the look of the reporting structure and how it fits the role in the organization in general. Describe your process of application and interview. Be open about the number of interviews and assessments help the candidate to decide if it is right for them.

Due to that have been reset so many expectations with COVID-19, the candidates will want to know the details: how much, when, where, and with whom they will work. The pandemic boosted the Great Reorganization, so that the companies would do well to promote the flexibility if it is offered. And this is not only of flexibility in the workplace, but also flexibility with the schedule. See how to Level 12 covers of way an expert on the topic with real numbers in its publication of work: If your hook does its job of ensuring that the right candidates to remain on the page, then you will want to keep them there by optimizing the duration. The research shows that the ideal length is what we call a "middle": The publication of a-Level work 12 is much longer than that, but the length works because the company justifies it in advance and then use sections and expandable so that it is not overwhelming. Another way to maximize the space in white is a link, instead of the paste sections as initiatives, statements, recent press and advantages.

8. HUMANIZE THE ROLE WITH PEOPLE AND REAL STORIES The views and the real stories of the employees can add value to job descriptions. "Consider including a section at the end," says Nicole Fernandez, senior director of brand and culture of the employer, Blu Ivy, "with comments from actual holders on previous projects, challenges faced, success stories and top tips they would share with potential candidates . Help to add color to the paper from the perspective of someone who has done so ".Speaking of the good and not so good to provide a realistic preview. Sugarcoating will only be counterproductive and it will not attract the talent that will thrive.

FINAL THOUGHTS To improve the descriptions of their functions is a way of gaining talent during the Great Reorganization. It takes time, but consider the time you save by not having to navigate your way between applicants are not qualified or interviewing candidates deficient. When you configure the candidates to self-select correctly, it is a better experience for everyone. Part of the challenge with job descriptions is that they become obsolete. Jobs change, so that the way in which markets should also do so. Ideally, you evaluate and make adjustments every time you post, but review them every six months is a good rule of thumb.
