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Technology Companies are Facing a New Crisis: The Recruitment

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Recruiters in technology are desperate for workers. But the candidates are the ones who have all the power, according to The New York Times.

In some of his very long days, and the majority of their work days lately are too long, Tatiana Dyba, a recruiter of 39 years in New York, recalls with a bit of nostalgia, a contracting work that you once had on a fashion designer of luxury. 

Back then, people were so anxious to give their curricula that once a young man sought out the photo of Dyba on LinkedIn and waited outside of his office on Madison Avenue to intercept it on the way to work. On another occasion, Dyba, when conversing with possible contracted, he mentioned that he liked the candy, and the next day appeared in his office a caramel beautifully wrapped. At that time, the people that hired they were hungry, they were anxious. There are flowers. Thank you notes carefully developed. These were things that a recruiter could not wait but occasionally he would enjoy. A recruiter will feel loved.

But Dyba eventually put to work for your account and then the world changed. Flourished a virus and the office buildings were emptied, with their tenants carrying their systems to the ether, the cloud filled, and then it filled up a little more, and with that shift digital mass, Dyba found herself, a person who majored in psychology, you might feel intimidated briefly by the function "merge calls" on your iPhone, working in a field that is so hot that you are absorbing more and more people like her in your vortex is constantly expanding: the recruitment of technology.

Recruiters who work in technology these days do not get candy, flowers or acknowledgements. The recruiter you are lucky if you can communicate with someone on the phone, if you receive a response email. The workers, IT does not need to impress anyone: along with the microchips, the toilet paper and the testing of Covid, technology workers will be remembered as one of the great and pressing deficiencies of this pandemic. The estimates of unemployment rates for workers in technology are around 1.7%, compared with approximately 4% in the general economy; for those with experience in cybersecurity, it is more like 0.2%. Employees in technology today are tired of the attention of the recruiters, the friendly greetings on LinkedIn, the cold calls (that Dyba does not). “They think that we are like used car salesmen,” said Dyba on his prey. To be a recruiter in tech is to be a product in demand by the companies that hire them, but it feels like a hassle, as one of the essential equipment that emits a loud noise and irritating.

At the end of January, Dyba, who worked under contract with a technology company, launched a massive explosion on LinkedIn, designed to reach out to the data analysts, that is to say, free of the kind of comments friendly, which otherwise could include ( “Your LinkedIn profile looks amazing” and “I Hope this finds you well!”). Data analysts: in reality, they just want the data. “Hello [name]”, he wrote Dyba in the message. “We are looking for a data analyst to be talented to analyze large sets of information, create predictive models and help us to drive growth. I thought it might fit perfectly. The work was published outlined their points of sale: the business had a growth of 400% per year, the backing of a venture capitalist legendary, with no limit of days of vacation, personal, full coverage of the health care premiums for employees and the option of working remotely or locally.

Dyba estimated that sent the list to about 75 potential hires and received five responses, three of which were brief "no, thank you," or simply declination of your message, InMail. A decline: this is the language of LinkedIn to "please, stop to throw all these jobs with health insurance premiums paid by the employer and vacation time is unlimited".

Recruiters are in such high demand that are also scarce, which means that their rates have never been higher. The salaries of the recruiters of technology internal increased approximately 30%, estimated Daniel Wert, who works at a boutique firm of executive search in the design community. Organizations that seek to aid in positions of cloud and cyber security have increased the rates that they offer the services of recruitment up to 45% of the salary of the first year, " says Ryan Sutton, president of Robert Half. Dyba says that he has more work than he has had since he began to hire independent workers in 2018.

The challenges of Dyba, most of the challenges of the recruiters of technology, going beyond simply finding human. As people who speak with potential hires, recruiters have an overview of the speed with which moves the market today, something that should translate to hiring managers without giving the impression that they are making a sale difficult. Dyba we recently wrote an executive who hesitated in making a bid for a contract that was escaping, by sending you a text message with a sort of haiku recruiter:

"we have to move"

"if not, we will lose"

"just to think about it"

Recruiters often find themselves in the position of giving the bad news that a candidate desired to have rejected outright an offer, often executives accustomed to having the advantage in the market or founders convinced that your business is more innovative than Apple and best snacks to Facebook.

Jana Rich, founder Rich Talent Group, a firm that recruits executives for businesses in the industries of technology, says that even at the highest levels of recruitment, he has never seen a market like this in 30 years. Sometimes, it's up to her to have what she calls "the conversation of truth," with an executive director or a member of the board: give the news that the qualified candidates have multiple, or sometimes preferable opportunities. Now, she explains kindly, an employer might have to think about taking a leap of faith into someone very talented but a little less experienced. Doesn't always go well. After a recent talk about the truth, he said, the company put the search on pause, making it clear that "basically, 'We, the company, does not necessarily believe him'," he said. "Like, that 'we Believe that we alone we can do better'".

The pent-up demand after those first months of a pandemic that no one was hiring is part of the problem, says Rich. And a general feeling of malaise pandemic may help to explain the scarcity of hiring potential: from time to time, it is about someone with a high-level job, only to hear, as she expressed it, "I don't know if I have the energy in the tank."

Workers technology, highly qualified, in their majority, do not leave the workplace: the money at this time is simply too good. However, are leaving the work space in mass to work remotelythat is another aspect of the new world of work that recruiters must communicate to the founders and executive directors, some of whom have intended that the office back to what it was or once was.

“If you are not going to offer remote work, if you are not going to offer at least hybrid, we can not help you,” says Sutton customers who are trying to hire software developers. Tatiana Becker, the founder of NIAH Recruiting, was called to help another recruiter from a different company, which had already been in contact with all potential candidates to fill a position of chief of staff at an online retailer who hoped to have their employees in the office full-time. After Becker told his colleague that the employer would have to eliminate one of the three requirements for the position (ideally, the required regular job at the place in New York city), the client wrote a brief email leaving it clear. that is no longer needed the help of Becker: "Unfortunately, the recommendation made to eliminate one or two of our requirements," wrote the client, "it was frankly completely inappropriate".

When I was working with an employer in a city that is not known as a center of technology, Dyba felt that had to be removed, with care, the insistence of the business with workers in the place; a position that had been open for six months. Dyba began to show the hiring manager the credentials of someone who had found it, but omitted a detail crucial. If the employer was interested in, then and only then revealed that the talent had its headquarters in Florida or Boston. "I had to say: 'Listen, it's costing us more money at this time to maintain this open work of what it would cost you to send someone a laptop computer, and train your leadership team in a different way on how to remotely manage'," he said. he said. She believes that the hiring manager raised the issue to the executive director; Slowly, someone came up with decision-making power and Dyba could begin to fill positions. When the pandemic subsides and the local workers to return to that office, between 15 and 20 percent of their workforce will be remote. The market, in place of Dyba, changed the culture of the place of work of the company: a market of workers in technology empowered that they could pick and choose their employers, which they could take or leave any job they wanted and were forcing a change.

Dyba suffered a setback in October, when after working for months to get an offer signed for a qualified candidate for a company, it lost the contract when the current employer of the candidate pounced with a generous retention bonus at the last minute. He had a deal signed! That had never happened to her before. Not now enjoys nothing: "I do interviews until I have a butt in the seat, as if you were still looking for candidates aggressively even after that we have a deal signed".

The places of work are also changing in unpredictable ways, causing havoc in the hiring process. A company does not have a immunization requirements, then yes. Employees are told that they can work remotely, and then the employer begins to float the idea that all must return. Among the conditions are in constant change, and the amount of counteroffers you receive the candidates, says Sutton, about four of every five agreements that their recruiters are closing end up requiring tunings last time at some important point; that happened only around 30% of the time before the pandemic, estimated.

Throughout the day, Dyba sent surveys, and all the day you received reply messages on LinkedIn, variations of the same thing: "is There any possibility that this position is 100% remote?" asked a woman. “If not, I'd like to know more about the role”. Dyba visited the New York office of the new company, which, as expected, was full of a lot of light and had Kombucha barrel. It was huge, the contract of lease signed during the pandemic. Also I was basically empty. Dyba had to ask in what number, including current employees, eventually they would return to work at the site.

At least, that another client, the employer of technology that was looking for a data analyst, I was willing to allow that he who occupies that post should work fully remote. At the end of January, around 5:30 p. m., Dyba participated in a selection call with a potential candidate. By then, he had reached the stage of the day in which his hair was in a bun messy sustained with a ballpoint pen. He was working in his room, with thermal pants green and a Henley (it was not a great day Zoom), and his old Corgi dozing next to her. The day had been uninterrupted, and it had not stopped to drink water, so now he was compensating by drinking from a bottle while the candidate was talking about.

“If you would mind talking to me about his background, I'd love to know a little more about you and what you've been doing,” he said. The young man on the other side of the phone was charming and educated, with a Master of Science degree in business analysis. Dyba, fell immediately, if only because, unlike so many recruits in technology, he did not begin the conversation by asking, within the first six minutes, what was the compensation. He spoke about his background, but it also seemed to have researched the business itself. The nature of work has changed so much that at times, she knows, recruits don't care: their main priority is the remote work; and if they are going to perform data analysis in the home, you can easily set a disconnection basic business bigger. ? How remote? What client?”

Dyba recognized that there were details in the curriculum of the young man that the employer might consider less than reassuring, like the fact that his last job had the word "intern". “My fear is that they don't have the experience,” he said about the technology company. But even so, impressed with his obvious intelligence, his sophisticated response to a question about the machine learning. She fight for him, and I would suggest: "If you are willing to take the risk and help someone start their career, I think that would be a great movement." Maybe they would listen, he thought. Perhaps.
