Expertos en SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Empower your team in times of disruption with SAP SuccessFactors

Nuvolino Team nBC

Traditionally, the leaders of RR. HH. have focused on attracting, retaining and developing its workforce to support its future strategy. Today, regardless of industry, are more focused on realigning resources to meet the critical roles, re-train their co-workers and reincorporarlos to their work spaces.

Recognizing the need to help our customers and leaders to grow in the midst of this disruption, Human Experience Management (HXM)the next evolution of the human capital management (HCM)- is more relevant than ever. When you produce disruptions, it is your people that will help him to overcome them. HXM places people at the heart of the business processes.

During this economic situation, organizations are turning to trusted partners with a long track record and experience in helping companies to operate as best as possible. SAP is precisely that partner, with 48 years of experience helping companies to run critical business processes in the good times and bad. Today, more than 7,000 organizations around the world are already using solutions of SAP SuccessFactorsincluding more than 800 customers in Latin america and the 43% of the companies in the Fortune 500 list.

Thanks to HXM, SAP SuccessFactors it provides technology to help the workers and leaders of RR.HH. to adapt to the evolving demands of business, providing the tools that will help them get ahead when a business is in crisis and when it is on the rise.

We complement our comprehensive set of solutions with an open ecosystem, so that our customers can access the technology you need today, without the need to seek alternative solutions or wait for future roadmaps.

In Latin america, specifically during this pandemic, customers are benefiting from the unique features and characteristics that the technology HXM SAP SuccessFactors provides the leading business and RR.HH. In addition, we have created packages of special solutions designed to address the major challenges of today.

Realign resources – Give support to our clients in key industries (food, health) that have had to rapidly increase their hiring in response to your business. We have made it possible to generate offers in mass, make additions direct and cross without flaws, and get their employees to be productive quickly and safely.

Many of our current customers are very focused on making our functionality of succession to create groups of talent and identify internal candidates with the best skills and capabilities.

Last, but not least, companies that implement  SAP SuccessFactors benefit from the connection between your systems of RR.HH. and of finance, which allows to obtain strategic information in real-time on the trends in revenue and earnings, to determine with precision what areas of the organization must redistribute the talent and move resources.

Re-training the workforce – Our clients, more than ever, rely on our learning management system to enable an experience of distance learning which will help the employees to develop new skills to navigate through these uncertain times. Combine distance learning with our development functionality, which allows their teams to connect with mentors and coaches through a virtual platform, it is crucial for that new training.

Also, we just announced a free 30-day trial of SAP Content Stream by Skillsoft, which includes a catalog of content focused on the essential aspects of business, productivity and collaboration, leadership and digital transformation and technology.

To reintegrate the personal place of work – A large retail customer is using our powerful management solutions experience in their work teams to perform opinion surveys to its base of more than 30,000 employees, with the purpose of understanding their feelings and comments about how it gives them support in their working environment and what they need from your organization to be successful, to be productive and feel safe. These data will be compiled and provided in a control panel so that all managers can make better decisions in the management of their closest collaborators, with the ability to take immediate action.

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