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Know the Predictions of the "New Normal" for Labor 2022

Nuvolino Team nBC

It is difficult to know exactly what to expect from the job in 2022, especially with the recent developments. Experts predict to what we may face, according to BBC.

We are entering the third year of a global pandemic which has brought unprecedented changes in the work. Despite many hopes of employers, a return to full-time work based in the office is seen as highly unrealistic, as the variant of Ómicron pushes plans to return to the office once again for millions of workers. And, given the way in which the current labour market changed the power to the employees, it is likely that the working structures of pre-pandemic become a relic.

However, for all that seems certain, there is still much we do not know about how to evolve our work environment in 2022. This time last year, many people expected that 2021 would have a degree of stability, maybe even the smooth launch of the work cross-platform. The emergence of new variants the virus blocked it, and it can continue to do so in the coming months.

In the midst of circumstances that are constantly changing, it is difficult to determine where one could find us in 12 months. But experts who study the employment and the workplace have identified some trends that are already showing the way in which we will work to 2022, and you can be a window into the future of the life of the office:

1. You can come work weeks shorter, but could create division. A call to the weeks shorter working and the hours condensed has been gaining traction around the world, companies and entire governments alike already exploring this alternative.

It is necessary to shake the structure of when we work, says Abigail Marks, a professor at the future of work at Newcastle University Business School, Uk. The working week from 9 to 5 and 40 hours, which arose during the industrial revolution, changed with the pandemic so dramatically, it is not sustainable, she says, due to "an increase in the rate of work required by the video conferencing software, and continued in line".

Marks added: "policy makers are interested in exploring measures that can" mitigate "the excess burden of the employees, while expected to maintain this increase in productivity. The workaround that is mentioned constantly is the work week of four days." And the hours condensed can mean a better mental health and a work-life balance for many workers. Although it seems that there is hope for the working week to four days to earn Steam in 2022, says Marks, measures such as these are not a silver bullet to all employees.

Instead, it warns that the change to a shorter working week could only benefit of certain employees. "The four-day week can privilege a limited group of white-collar workers, don't have benefits for many workers in low-paid and low-skilled that they will not have the security to the contract, or the financial support to work a four-day week," says Marks. Think, for example, he or workers hourly service that may not be able to reduce their hours.

The marks are among experts who say that it will be a challenge in 2022 as navigating the Gulf between those who can take advantage of the flexibility frent to those who can't, especially since it calls for greater flexibility and shorter hours will only become stronger. "This year, we could end up with more divisions in the society," he adds. "The employees are highly sought after, as the scientists of the data and who have support from the government, including government officials of high rank, could see their hours reduced, and the rest of us still continue to overburdened by the work."

2. The customized benefits could become the main attraction. Do you remember the labor shortage and the difficulties of recruitment 2021? We will continue to 2022 ", said Alison Sullivan, Senior Manager of Corporate Communications Jobs on Glassdoor. "This is because the factors that led to these shortages will still be here, a pandemic, retirees, and parents staying at home and the growing demands of the customers that lead to the company to keep up" .This means that employers may need to take a different tactic to recruit workers, and keep them in the seat, to what they did in the past.

Anthony Klotz, an associate professor of management at the University of Texas, who coined the term "great renunciation"says that the customization work could be the key to the satisfaction of the worker, and the retention, this year. "In 2022, we will see employers that cater more to the needs and desires of employees to engage your current employees and attract the best performers of other firms," says Klotz.Not only is it good business sense: the flexibility and accommodation are becoming the standard of what they expect the workers. "This imbalance in the demand and supply of employees means employees and job applicants have a power raised to ask for more," says Glassdoor's Sullivan.

As a result, companies will be more "tactical custom to manage employees," says Klotz. "Instead of programs of development of a single size, companies have started to invest time and resources in the co-development of career pathways as with individual workers". Sullivan also cites an increase of wages, the assistance of student loans and the extended license of parents, as the potential benefits it can add to the employers to attract talent to 2022.

Other customization important it could be to prioritize the mental health of a worker. After all, in the middle of Burnout and Boreout, more workers are saying enough, and they leave their jobs (or at least what they are thinking). "Even the bastions of culture of hustle and bustle, such as Wall Street, are nearing the act and the introduction of sabbaticals"says Klotz.

3. The workers will not return to the same offices. When some workers eventually returning to the office, whether in 2022 or at any time, many will find the design and the function of the same completely different. Nicholas Bloom, an economics professor at Stanford University. He says that companies reconfigurarán spaces this year to meet the needs of a workforce that is newly hybrid, and account for how people actually want to work when they are together in person: collaboratively.

Bloom, who has studied the future of the office for years, says that the transition back to the days of office has until now been awkward and clumsy. He says that he has heard the "horror stories" of workers whose companies have been called back to the classroom, for example, sitting in the office half empty doing the same calls zoomthat would make at home (and listening to colleagues).In other words, the Office Pre-Pandemic doesn't work, the way in which the employees in 2022 in need.

Given that some companies that have implemented hybrid models, bring you to some of the computers to the office the same day each week, Bloom says that the coordination will be the name of the game this year, and more companies will make the changes permanent design changes that need to facilitate.

The executive offices of style MAD MEN, you are out," says Bloom. "The meeting rooms, cubicles video sound proof and the seats in open-plan style living room-is". The workers, "they don't like the density," he adds, and you want to lifts less crowded, offices, bathrooms. "Companies are reshaping offices to be social spaces for the creative staff. Want to facilitate the meetings, interactions serenipitosas and the call zoom occasional.

However, one thing that may not change as anticipated is the actual size of the offices. Although many predicten earlier in the pandemic, the offices purgarían his custom was in the center of the city, Bloom says that "the space of the office is not going down, [but] is changing." Although predicts that remote work will mean a 30 per cent fewer days of office that's pre-pandemic, "the companies are cutting space in a 5% on average," he says.

Even as the car is held in high in the centers of the city almost deserted, the companies still want the workers to use such buildings, especially when the work-in hybrid is likely to dominate the 2022. It is "impossible to reduce the footprint of the office," says Bloom, even after all the ways in which it works. The lives have been unsettled for the past two years.

4. A walk continued to the unknown. Despite all our best predictions, we do not know what we don't know. Many analysts predicted a movement of return to the office for the summer 2021, because the vaccines were made more available, but continued to move forward. The variants, as well as problems of public health prolonged by the Delta and the remote work is not over. The meetings zoom continued to be the standard journal for millions of workers around the world.

"We should have learned one key thing in the past two years: stop looking for a crystal ball," says Kanina Blanchard, professor of management at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.

While some developments seem to be moving back to some kind of prepandémica normal, such as vaccines, new drugs to combat COVID-19 and the period of isolation required shorter returning employees to work faster, we all know that the best, is to take on the future. (Little has done this as pronounced as the start of Omicron, which reminded us of things can change in a blink of an eye).

That is why experts say that it is better to keep expectations low in 2022, even when we continue to march towards what we believe to be "normal". "We must do this in spite of the lack of consistency and predictability," says Blanchard. "We know that we will start the break and we will have to restart".What we do know, she says, will be that the interests of public health continue to dominandolas agendas in 2022. And there is another piece of information: "we Know that life will be chaotic and mad".

